History: Progression-Industry B.V. was established in 2009 as an Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) spin-off company with as main purpose researching, developing and commercializing GREEN technologies for the Automotive industry, which was quickly expanded to include both the Maritime- and Aviation sector.

Business: Over the last decade the focus has been mainly on designing, researching, developing and commercializing bio-based (marine) fuels, -fuel additives, high-speed  turbine machinery (turbines and compressors), next to R&D on ammonia combustion and stable water in fuel emulsions.

Expertise: Managing new product development from idea, to real world environment demonstrator, progressing development though the various stages of Technological Readiness Level (TRL) is where Progression-Industry delivers it’s added value. At the core of this stands our team facilitated by state of the art test facilities, -equipment and support network.

Technologies: Novel proprietary technologies include: CyclOx; lignin derived (marine) fuels and fuel additives, WEDAS; Waste Energy Driven Alternator System, STEM-fuel; Stable Emulsified fuels, Aurora designer fuels; Perfume grade wearable high performance fuels for gasoline engines, etc..

Projects: Participation in both national and international R&D projects facilitates new product development. These projects include: JTF Better Biobased Building Blocks (BBBB / 4B), Ammonia DriveAmmonia Dual Fuel Combustion, FALCON bio-refinery, SCeLiO-4B, BioJet Fuel, etc..